I use miracle library to work with big numbers.
I defined a number for example X with 192 bit. at first X= 0 ;
I want to change for example 3 bit of it to 1 randomly.
as a example:
assume that X has 10 bit :
random numbers should be :
how can I do it ?
best Regards
And add them together (OR them) - turn bit High X |= Y;
Or substract them (AND inverse mask) - turn bit Low X &= ~Y;
Or switch the bit H->L or L-H depending on value of X (XOR them) X ^= Y;
Note 1: I am not certain if binary numbers (0b00) are part of C++ standard. You may instead use hexadecimal numbers (0x00) or shift left/right operators (<</>>)
Note 2: Try to search for binary operation and operators.
Some pseudocode for your example
1 2 3 4
uint16_t X=0x0000; //16-bit unsigned number - 10-bit is odd
for(int i=0; i<3; ++i){
X |= 1 << RANDOM_INT(0,15);
Also I am not sure if this works for n-bit variables. So far I only used it for 8-bit microcontrollers.