How to read a sentence from a file?

So I'm working on that program that uses .txt files to store data, and I have one problem: I can't recover one full name from the .txt file
It's a school library program and it uses the <fstream> library for file operations, it stores theBookSignature >> theNameOfTheAuthor >> theBooksName.

I understand that C++ stops the input of a line when it stumbles upon a space, but isn't there something like a getline(cin, variableName) for file streams?
isn't there something like a getline(cin, variableName) for file streams?
There is. It is called getline. First parameter is the stream you read from. Place your file stream name instead of cin.
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Thanks, it works (would be sad if it wouldn't (
I'm a bit overworked thats all :)
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