I need some assistance trying to figure out why my program is not compiling properly. When I try to compile the program I am getting PersonType.h : No such file or directory error.
Here is description of my assignment :
1. Create a person class to represent a person. (You may call the class personType.) To simplify things, have the class have 2 variable members for the person's first and last name. Include 2 constructors. One should be a default constructor and the other should be one with parameters. Include respective functions for:
o setting the name,
o getting the name, and
o printing the name on the screen.
Have your main program call these functions to demonstrate how they work.
Explain how you can replace both constructors with one constructor by using a single constructor with default parameters.
Your compiler is missing a file named "PersonType.h". Depending on your platform case may be significant. So "personType.h" may be different than "PersonType.h".
I am using Dev C++ to compile this code. Do you recommend another compiler I could use. I am new to C++ . I checked the help guide on DevC++ and I don't see any help for personType.h
There's surely no help for personType.h in your C++ manual ;-) I think yo've to write it yourself:
Create a person class to represent a person.
By convention a class specification should be written into a file named by the class name followed by the suffix ".h". The last lines of your example code starting with class personType should be written into a file called "personType.h".