Help me with my coursework. PLEASE!

Dec 14, 2014 at 12:29pm
Hey there! I'll be really thankful if you help me with this task...I'm translating it from my language so there might be mistakes but I hope you're going to understand what I'm talking about.I just need advice on how to start doing the task because It seems really complicatet and hard to do.

Create a program with functions for:
A\Inserting data for sea travels(up to 25 sea travels) into file and array from the keyboard: Maritime Station:- route , name of ship, name of captain, prices of the tickets for 1st and 2nd class, number of passengers into 1st and 2nd class, sum of the sold tickets - during a chosen month. Displaying of the array content on screen.
B\ Displaying data for the ship when you insert the name of the ship from the keyboard.
C\ Displaying data for the sea travel with biggest amount of sold tickets.
Main function with menu...Use global variables.

I'm really desperate...I thought that I may use "struct" but I don't know here to begin for. Any help will be really appreciated....

I'm not saying I need the whole task I just need the beginning and some advice...

Dec 14, 2014 at 3:11pm
I would recommend using objects instead of structs. Structs are a bit useless when you have objects. I would make classes for the following things:

-Sea Travels
-Maritime Stations (unless you only need the names of them)
-Routes (alternatively, this could be an array of strings or char*s corresponding to waypoint names)
Last edited on Dec 14, 2014 at 3:11pm
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