hello i really wonder how are newest games being programmed i have heard that direct x is highest possible graphic used in these game .... also i have heard that companies have their own engines how is engine being programmed i have heard they use c++ but can we say that the engine is smth like photoshop with some object and some scripts ? also in engine u can connect sound 3d objects code rules textures and all ? i really cant image how would i write whole game in c++ without any graphic please tell me what should i learn if i want to develope games i work in c++ for so long but all i know is CMD structs class pointers arrays also these things now i would like to choose some deeper part of c++ like game development or so please :)
PS : now im on high school then i go on university so definitely i will end whole school in 7 years is there chance whole mechanics will be changed ? i mean is that possible that creating games will about absolutely changed ?