Good GUI Porgrams?

I am looking for a good program to make a GUI program, but I do not know which ones are any good. I have tried Visual C++ and Qt, but I could not figure out how to use them.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but Qt is as easy as it gets. That is definitely the fastest way to build a GUI. You create a project, and it already has a gui for you. And Visual C++ has the GUI editors now too, which work just like Qt except with a Windows API. Unfortunately, I find Microsoft's tutorials utterly useless, but the Qt ones are pretty good.
I am not one for watching YouTube videos for programming, but this guy is a really good Qt teacher and has over something like 120 Qt videos. I don't know if he's still active though. Last time I checked was a couple months ago - but he was still posting new vids.

Here -
I second QT; not only is it one of the easiest cross-platform libraries for basic GUI/Net programming it is incredibly fast.

Get a handle for basic C++ first, however. From there start from their basic examples.
SDL(2) is a well respected API for making gui programs, although it is not a program that creates your gui for you, you have to write it :/

But the best reason to use it is to read lazyfoo's blessed game dev tutorials.
If you want to distribute your program in the market, you may want to look at lincensing too. Wxwidget can also give you a hand at making nice GUI. Not that you cant, but i discourage building off the gui part of a program in c++, it takes longer development time, taking in mind cross platforming.

Note that I am taking only 2d into account here.
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AceDawg45 wrote:

Well, I hate to break it to you, but Qt is as easy as it gets. That is definitely the fastest way to build a GUI. You create a project, and it already has a gui for you. And Visual C++ has the GUI editors now too, which work just like Qt except with a Windows API. Unfortunately, I find Microsoft's tutorials utterly useless, but the Qt ones are pretty good.
I am not one for watching YouTube videos for programming, but this guy is a really good Qt teacher and has over something like 120 Qt videos. I don't know if he's still active though. Last time I checked was a couple months ago - but he was still posting new vids.

Here - [url][/url]

I have seen those tutorials before, and I have them downloaded on my laptop, but they are for an older version of Qt and I cannot find what I need to use it. I am at school right now, so I cannot say what it is that I cannot find, but I will post it when I get on my laptop at home.
The Unholy wrote
I have seen those tutorials before, and I have them downloaded on my laptop, but they are for an older version of Qt and I cannot find what I need to use it.

Are they that old? I think you could get by with the first 40 or so tutorials, although I distinctly remember his QNetwork tutorials being out of date - the headers he used aren't in Qt 5.3.

If they are really that out of date - you can always browse Qt's website. They are always updating the tutorials on it. Someone posted links above.

I've heard good things about WxWidget. I've never seen it, but I don't think it requires a license. I don't think Qt does for just regular Qt - but I know they have some sort of premium thing that allows mobile support and what not.

I have seen those tutorials before, and I have them downloaded on my laptop, but they are for an older version of Qt and I cannot find what I need to use it. I am at school right now, so I cannot say what it is that I cannot find, but I will post it when I get on my laptop at home.

Tons of tutorials for the latest stable version here:

As for WxWidget, I think it's cool but Qt just has way more support/examples/functionality from what I see. Plus they are backed by solid entities that won't be going anywhere for at least five (5) years.

There is a good reason why there are so many programs use it:
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