my project is about loading the text file and record the information about selling chocolate and 3 types of chocolate there are 5 class we have to do, and when i look the first class I was confused
there are two implementation requirement that i do not understand
there are two varible in private class they are ordernumber and chocolate type
1.Order(int num, char tp);User-defined constructor. Assign the value of input arguments to the corresponding data fields, order number and ordered chocolate type.
2.void setOrderNumber(int num);
void setType(char tp); Modifier methods assign the value of input argument to the corresponding data field.
those function look like same thing in my understanding is to loading the text file and save the order number and chocolate type and Why they have "int num int to" in bracket? my thought the purpose the loading the num and tp in the text file.. can u guys explain to me ?