C++ Problem

This is the problem:
Write a program that randomly fills in 0s and 1s into a 4x4 matrix, prints the matrix, and finds the row and column that have the most 1s. If there is a tie, multiple columns should be listed. For example, a run of the program might look like this:


Row 3 has the most 1s.

Columns 3 and 4 have the most 1s.

This is my code so far:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int DOWN = 4;
const int ACR = 4; // usable in any part of the program

void fill_ara(int [] [ACR]);
void show_ara(int [] [ACR]);

int main()
{ char player1;
char player2;
char s;

int ara[DOWN][ACR];

return 0;
void fill_ara(int ara[][ACR])
int cnt = 0;
for (int d =0; d < DOWN; d++)
for(int a = 0;a < ACR; a++)
{ cnt++;
ara[d][a] = cnt;

void show_ara(int ara[][ACR])
for (int d =0; d < DOWN;d++)
for(int a =0; a < ACR; a++)
cout << ara[d][a] << " ";
cout << endl;

Can anyone help me continue?
1. learn random number program
2. learn how to send and receive arrays to functions.

search beginners forum, you'll find many examples in these two.
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