I have written an operator+ overload function for a linked list queue implementation, but I was wondering if it makes a difference/is better to use new_queue = *this; to copy the left operand, instead of looping through the left operand and enqueueing its contents to the new queue (similar to what is done with the right_hand_side, except the pointer associated with the left side is the member variable front_ptr_). Here is my code down below. Thanks in advance!
template<class ItemType>
LinkedQueue<ItemType> LinkedQueue<ItemType>::operator+(const LinkedQueue<ItemType> &right_hand_side) const {
LinkedQueue<ItemType> new_queue; //new empty list
// If this queue is empty return the other one.
if (IsEmpty()) return right_hand_side;
// A. Add the nodes from this queue to new_queue.
new_queue = *this; //is this better?
// B. Continue adding nodes from the right_hand_side queue to new_queue.
Node<ItemType>* right_chain = right_hand_side.front_ptr_;
//I originally had while (right_chain != nullptr) as the condition
while (right_chain != right_hand_side.back_ptr_) {
right_chain = right_chain->GetNext();
}//end while
//newly added
//if right_chain points to last node and queue is not empty.
if (right_chain == right_hand_side.back_ptr_ && !right_hand_side.IsEmpty()) {
new_queue.Enqueue(right_chain->GetItem()); //add last item to queue
// Add this queue.
return new_queue;
}//end operator+