Prompt the user for two characters. Output the movies that begin with those two characters.

i have trouble printing out the movies starting with inputing only two letters.

#include <iostream> //cout, cin, endl,getline
#include <fstream> //ifstream
#include <cstdlib> // exit
using namespace std;

const int NUM_MOVIES = 116792;

struct Movie
string name;
string year;
string genre;
}; //dont forget semi colon

//this function takes a blank array and fills that array up with movie data
void load_movies(Movie blank_array[])
//step 1 : stream variable
ifstream data_store;

//step 2 : open file"movie_database.txt");

//step 3: processing the file
cout << "movie_database.txt is not in this directory" << endl;
exit(0); // end the program no matter where you are

for (int counter = 0; counter < NUM_MOVIES; counter++)
string name, year, genre;
getline(data_store, name);
getline(data_store, year);
getline(data_store, genre);

blank_array[counter].name = name;
blank_array[counter].year = year;
blank_array[counter].genre = genre;

//step 4: close file

int main()
Movie movie_array[NUM_MOVIES];

string first, second;

cout << "Begins-With Movie Finder" << endl;
cout << "Enter first character" << endl;
cin >> first;
cout << "Enter second character" << endl;
cin >> second;

//search for movies that correspond
//this loop visit all 116792 movies
for(int counter = 0; counter < NUM_MOVIES; counter++)

if (first == movie_array[counter].name
&& second == movie_array[counter]. name)
//display the movie
cout << movie_array[counter].name << endl;

return 0;
Could you be more specific as to what you need help with?

Also, please make sure your code is enclosed [code]between code tags[/code] so that it gets syntax highlighting and, more importantly, line numbers.

By the way, it is rude to PM users asking for help.
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