3D Game Engine

I am a PAWN and LUA programmer. I have recently started learning C# & C++, due to the reason that PAWN and C++ are really similar. I know the basics and more. The variable, enums, statics and etc. I know how to use loops, arrays, do/while and if statements. I would like to create a simple 3D game engine in which I could develop and improve. Please send me some tutorials or tell me what shall I do. I don't need ready code because I can do it myself with a help of research and method of try, fail, fix, learn, improve. Please don't tell me it's too hard or try to stop me from it, because I know what I want to do and I will do it with your help or without. Thanks guys.
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I'm afraid that's not enough. Knowledge about pointers, structs, and classes are required.

Once you finish learning them, I'd look into Direct3D 11. I find it much better to work with than OpenGL.
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If you just want to do some 3D programming, an option that I personally prefer is OpenGL. A good tutorial that not only teaches OpenGL, but also the basics of things that you'll need for a 3D engine (like some linear algebra) can be found here: http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/
@Avilius, I've been learning C# like 2 months before I started learning C++ and I have learned about classes and structs. I will give a look at pointers. Thanks.

@NT3, Thanks mate, I will give it a try!
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