Who wants to be a millionaire?!

I am making a program that is a game similar to who wants to be a millionaire. It has to read the the questions from the file and then display them, take the user input and then read the answers from another file, check the users answer and then tell them if it's wrong/right and give them a point.
I need help with the reading/display and checking if it is correct.
this is what i have for the read:
void readQuizFile() // Function to read the file
string STRING; // String for not sure
const int size = 100; // Size of the Array
string quiz[size]; // Name of the array
ifstream infile; // Searches for the file
int i = 0; // Sets i equal to 0;
infile.open("Final Project.txt"); // Name of the file

while (!infile.eof()) // Loop to read the file
getline(infile, quiz[i]);

cout << quiz[i] << endl;
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