1. The program above compiles well.
Line 10, 12: You've defined a FILE* named Output_File but after assigning it a value, never used it.
3. Be careful: You shouldn't mix C-Stdio (FILE*, fopen(3), ...) with C++ streams. They use different internal buffers, which may confuse you.
Line 13: It's not a bad idea to open an output file for output instead of for input (see
http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/fstream/ofstream/open/ for details).
Line 38: Line_Parse() declares a parameter named `
out'. but this is never used there.
Line 38: Parameter
token of
Line_Parse() gets never assigned any value inside
Line_Parse()! All
token-assignments there are applied to the variable
token defined local to your while-loop. Instead of defining a local variable
token you may want to move this definition to
main() replacing mains token definition at line 9.