I am planning to make a text based detective game.
Right now i am stuck on in an area.
My game is mainly like,i will dictate a scenario like a question then provide a set of options.
If the user selects the correct option in the first try then he is awarded with 15xp
if second try then 10xp,3rd try 5xp..likewise.
cout << "# What would you like to do?" << endl;
cout <<"\nPress 1 to start inspecting the victims body"<<endl;
cout <<"\nPress 2 to start interrogating the old man"<<endl;
cout <<"\nPress 3 to ask forensics to collect more data"<<endl;
Here the correct order the player should make is 1,2 then 3.
This gives him maximum of 15+15+15= 45 Xp,because he chooses all the correct options in first try
Similarly if the player make choices in order 2,1,3