While Loop!!!


The following is the code to be used:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


char letter = 'a';

while (letter != 'x')


cout << "Please enter a letter" << endl;

cin >> letter; cout << "The letter you entered is " << letter << endl;


return 0;


This program is not user friendly. Run it a few times and determine why.
Take a screen shot of the output.
Add to the code so that the program is more user friendly.
How would this code affect the execution of the program if the while loop is replaced by a do-while loop? Try it and see.

The following is the code to be used:

// This program illustrates the use of a sentinel in a while loop.

// The user is asked for monthly rainfall totals until a sentinel

// value of -1 is entered. Then the total rainfall is displayed


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


// Fill in the code to define and initialize to 1 the variable month

float total = 0, rain;

cout << "Enter the total rainfall for month " << month << endl;

cout << "Enter -1 when you are finished" << endl;

// Fill in the code to read in the value for rain

// Fill in the code to start a while loop that iterates

// while rain does not equal -1

// Fill in the code to update total by adding it to rain

// Fill in the code to increment month by one

cout << "Enter the total rainfall in inches for month " << month << endl;

cout << "Enter -1 when you are finished" << endl;

// Fill in the code to read in the value for rain

if (month == 1)

cout << "No data has been entered" << endl;


cout << "The total rainfall for the " << month-1 << " months is "<< total << " inches." << endl;

return 0;


Complete the program above by filling in the code described in the statements in bold so that it will perform the indicated task.
Run the program several times with various input. Record your results. Are they correct? What happens if you enter -1 first? What happens if you enter only values of 0 for one or more months? Is there any numeri- cal data that you should not enter?
Take a screen shot of the output. Insert your comments and the screen shot in LastFirst_lab51.doc.
What is the purpose of the following code in the program above?

if (month == 1) cout << "No data has been entered" << endl;

Take a screen shot of the output. Insert it with your comments in LastFirst_lab51.doc.
Submit both the revised LastFirst_lab51a.cpp, LastFirst_lab51b.cpp and LastFirst_lab51.doc by uploading them here.
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