Your main function should do the following:
1. Declare the array to hold the temperatures and any other variables needed.
2. Call a function to read the daily temperatures from the file pgm7.txt, storing each temperature in an element in the array. Open and close the data file in this function. All further processing must be done using the data values stored in the array. Temperatures in the file look like this:
3. Call a function to display the temperatures for the month of June. Include a heading with your name and two columns – one showing the day of the month and one showing the temperature for that day (see sample below).
Temperatures for June 2014
Your Name
Day of month Temp (Celsuis)
1 31
2 28
3 31
4. Call a function to convert all of the temperatures in the array from Celsius to Fahrenheit (F = 9.0/5.0 C + 32), replacing the original Celsius temperature with the Fahrenheit value for each element. Note: You do not need to create a new array for this function, just change the values in the original array.
5. Call a function to display the temperatures for the month of July to show that the temperatures have been converted correctly. Include a heading, your name and the two columns – see sample below. (See if you can use the function from Step 3 again.)
Temperatures for July 2014
Your Name
Day of month Temp (Fahr)
1 92
2 86
3 77
6. Call a function to find and return the average temperature in Fahrenheit for the three-month period. The main function should display this result with an appropriate description.
7. Call a function to find and display the number of days that had a temperature above the average for this period. Clearly label your output.
8. Call a function to find the highest temperature for each month and display each value with an appropriate label. Hint: Start by finding the highest temperature for June. Then think about how you could generalize this to do the same for the other two months.
Program Design: A structure chart for your program is shown below. Work on one function at a time. For each function decide what its parameter(s) should be: what data, if any, needs to be passed to the function; what results, if any, will the function return or pass back. Then write the function prototype, function call and function definition. Make sure these match in the required ways. Determine where each of these should be located in your program and type them in, including documentation. Be sure to test and debug each function before going on to the next one.
The "Program Design" bit at the end is pretty specific and helpful. Why don't you try to write the function prototypes and how you'd call them from main(). Post that here.