C++ test question

This code is an old part of the computer system management library responsible for file indexing. It works but there are number of problems with it.

Please comment on the existing code pointing out as many bugs as you can find.

Rewrite the code using OO principles. Any C++ libraries can be used. Proposed solution should be more flexible. For example instead of indexing only one directory at a time, we might want it to index subdirectories as well.

It is an open problem so the solution does not have to be complete but it has to demonstrate a clean and easy to maintain coding style and an understanding of effective coding techniques.

--- Indexer.h ---
#ifndef INDEXER_H
#define INDEXER_H

enum FileType {
skip = 0,
txt = 1,
xml = 2,
exe = 3,
doc = 4,
xls = 5,
ppt = 6,

struct FileDef {
char drive[3];
char name[256];
char path[256];
char ext[4];
int size;
FileType type;

void processDirectory(const char* name);
int* getFirstFile(FileType type, FileDef* fd);
int getNextFile(int* handle, FileDef* fd);
void listFiles(FileType type);

#endif //INDEXER_H

---Indexer.cpp ---
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Indexer.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "string.h"

FileDef **fileIndex;
int insertIndex;
int maxIndex;

void initIndexes()
insertIndex = 0;
maxIndex = 1024;
fileIndex = new FileDef*[1024];
memset(fileIndex, 0, maxIndex);

void processDirectory(const char* name)
static bool init = true;
if (init) {
init = false;

char search[256];
strcpy(search, name);
strcat(search, "\\*.*");

_finddata_t fd;
intptr_t h = _findfirst(search, &fd);
if (h != -1) {
do {
FileDef* f = new FileDef;
f->size = fd.size;

char fname[256];
strcpy(fname, name);
_splitpath( fname, f->drive, f->path, f->name, f->ext );
if ( strcmp(f->ext, ".txt") == 0) {
f->type = txt;
} else if ( strcmp(f->ext, ".xml") == 0) {
f->type = xml;
} else if ( strcmp(f->ext, ".exe") == 0) {
f->type = exe;
} else if ( strcmp(f->ext, ".doc") == 0) {
f->type = doc;
} else if ( strcmp(f->ext, ".xls") == 0) {
f->type = xls;
} else if ( strcmp(f->ext, ".ppt") == 0) {
f->type = ppt;
} else {
f->type = skip;
if (f->type != skip) {
fileIndex[insertIndex++] = f;

} while (_findnext(h, &fd) == 0);


int* getFirstFile(FileType type, FileDef* fd)
int tmp = 0;
while ( fileIndex[ tmp ] != 0 && fileIndex[ tmp ]->type != type) ++tmp;
int* result = new int;
if ( (*result = ( fileIndex [ tmp ] == 0) ? -1 : tmp + 1) == -1)
return result;
*fd = *fileIndex[ tmp ];

return result;

int getNextFile(int* handle, FileDef* fd)
int tmp = *handle;
while ( fileIndex[ tmp ] != 0 && fileIndex[ tmp ]->type != fd->type) ++tmp;
if (fileIndex[ tmp ] != 0) {
*fd = *fileIndex[ tmp ];
*handle = tmp + 1;
return 0;
return -1;

void listFiles(FileType type)
printf("%30s%7s\r\n", "NAME","SIZE");
FileDef fd;
int* handle = getFirstFile(type, &fd);
if ( *handle != -1) {
do {
printf("%30s%7i\r\n", fd.name,fd.size);
} while ( getNextFile(handle, &fd) == 0);

bool needsBackup(const FileDef* fd)
switch (fd->type) {
case doc:
case xls:
return true;
return false;

bool needsScan(const FileDef* fd)
return (fd->type == exe);

// test function
void _testIndexer() {

processDirectory("C:\test directory1" );
processDirectory("C:\test directory2" );
If possible, use C++11 to rewrite the code.
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