What is wrong with my c++ code

Platform : c++, compiler: GNU gcc

I am new to programming and have written the code for the following program.

PROGRAM: Input 2 arrays => arrays 1 and 2 from the user each containing 5 elements. Sum is another array which is sum of elements of array 1 and array 2. Convert each of the elements of the sum array into binary. Count number of 1's in each binary element and output it to another array "arr".

Example: arr1 = {1,2,3,4,5}
arr2 = {6,7,8,9,10}
sum = {7,9,11,13,15}
binary of 7 [111], 9[1001], 11[1011], 13[1101], 15[1111]
No of 1's in 7 [3], 9 [2], 11 [3], 13 [3], 15 [4]
arr array will be {3, 2, 3, 3, 4}

I am not getting the desired output.
My code is:-

include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int array1[5];
int array2[5];
int sum[5], arr[5];
int i, rem ;
cout<<"enter array 1 elements\n"; //array1
cout<<"enter array 2 elements\n"; //array2

for(i=0;i<5;i++) //sum = array1+array2

int flag = 0;
rem = ((sum[i])%2);
if(rem == 1)
flag++; //counting no of 1's

sum[i] = (sum[i])/2;
arr[i] = flag; // storing in new array arr

cout<<endl<<arr[i]<<" ,"; //displaying arr
return 0;
Well with the data you've shown your while() loop will never execute. I also don't recommend modifying sum[] inside that loop, use a temporary variable instead.

And please start using code tags when you post code.
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Thanks for the reply. I have change while(sum[i]==1) to while(sum[i]!=1) but am still not getting the correct answer. I am getting arr[] array as {2,1,2,2,3} but correct output is {3,2,3,3,4} for the example mentioned above. I have also tried initializing flag to 1.
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