Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I can't find anywhere better.
Anyway I am having a problem trying to get doxygen to generate documentation for my game engine. More specifically, doxygen keeps skipping over all my classes (the most important part) every time I run it. It makes the documentation for the file the class is in. It shows that there is a class in that file in the class list. But it just doesn't document the class. Any idea? I have the \class comment right above the class definition. I am using javadoc style comments. I even have EXTRACT_ALL set to YES (and pretty much all the other EXTRACT_X set to YES).
Here is a chopped up version of my Object.h file that has the class skeleton in it.
#ifndef _OBJECT_
#define _OBJECT_
#define DEGTORAD 0.0174532925199432957f
#define RADTODEG 57.295779513082320876f
#include <math.h>
* To convert from box2d position and size values to game world values you must multiply by this scale
* To convert from game world values to box2d values you must divide by this scale
* This is needed because box2d performs better with smaller values between 0.1 and 10
constunsignedint scale = 100;
* These are the possible types of an object. If you create your own object, you should add a unique name to this enum.
enum ObjectType{NONE, STATIC, DYNAMIC};
* Used to assign a unique id to new objects created
staticint currentId = 0;
* \class Object
* \brief Object This is the base class for all objects
* This is the base class for all game objects. An object must be either a physics object,
* drawable, or both. It can not be neither.
class Object{
* unique id for every object.
int id;
a bunch of stuff in here
a bunch of functions in here