I have a really simple issue and I can't seem to get it.
My only issue is getting it to print out an error if they enter 0 for a bet, or executing the last few if statements in main, if they enter a negative number.
Here is what I have so far.
using namespace std;
oid welcome();
void rolldice(int& , int& ); //use a pass through variable
//name all of the functions that will be used
bool checkwin(int , int);
int main()
int die1=0, die2=0;//create variables
const int start=500;
int balance=start;
int bet;
//do/while for when the bet is positive and the balance is greater than 0
cout <<"You have $" << balance <<" remaining \n";//let user know how much they start with
cout << "Place your bet: ";
cin >> bet; //let user place a bet
rolldice(die1, die2); //call function to simulate dice rolls
cout<<"You rolled "<<die1<<" and "<< die2<< " = "<< (die1+die2)<< endl;
if(checkwin(die1, die2)){
//return a boolean value to check if the sum is 7
balance = (balance+bet);
cout<< "You Win!!\n\n" ;}
balance = (balance-bet);
cout<<"You Lose!!\n\n";}
//Tells user whether they won/lost and how much they made
cout <<"Thanks for playing!";
if(balance >start)
cout<<" You won "<< (balance-start);
else if(balance <start)
cout<<" You lost " << (start-balance);
cout<<" You broke even!";
//function just to tell user about the game
void welcome()
cout <<"***** Welcome to SEVENS! The Betting dice game! *****";
cout <<'\n' << "Wager whatever you'd like. If you roll a 7, you " <<
"win whatever you bet!\n" <<"But beware, if you don't roll a 7, " <<
"you lose your wager\n" << "Enter a negative bet if you'd like to" <<
" quit the game early \n" << "LET's BEGIN!!! \n\n";
//function to change the die variables and to simulate dice rolls
void rolldice(int& die3 , int& die4)
srand((unsigned int)time(0));
die3 = rand() % 6 + 1;
die4 = rand() % 6 + 1;
//Returns a true if the sum of the rolls is 7/ false otherwise
bool checkwin(int die1,int die2)
bool check;