Ok so the task is to ask the user for a letter and then display weather that letter is a vowel or consonant then ask the user if they would like to continue (y/n) this is what i have and i need some help ALL OF THIS HAS TO BE DONE USING EITHER DO WHILE LOOPS OR FOR.
(I'm using a mac, so this is all done through Xcode)

I would really like to know if there is a way for input validation on entering a letter like i put below so when they enter a letter it has to be between 'A' and 'Z' or it asks them to enter a capital letter again

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char ans;
char let;

do {
cout<< "Please enter a Captial Letter"<< endl;
cin>> let;
} while (let>'A'||let<'Z');

if(let=='A' || let=='a'){
cout<<"Vowel"<< endl;
}else if (let=='E' || let=='e'){
cout<<"Vowel"<< endl;
}else if (let=='I' || let=='i'){
cout<<"Vowel"<< endl;
}else if (let=='O' || let=='o'){
cout<<"Vowel"<< endl;
}else if (let=='U' || let=='u'){
cout<<"Vowel"<< endl;
cout<< "Consonant"<< endl;

cout<< "Would you like to continue? (Y/N)"<< endl;
cin>> ans;
} while (ans=='Y' || ans=='y');

cout<< "Hvae a Good day !"<< endl;

return 0;
Not really i know the ACSll code so i changed it to let <65 || let >90 so it now gives me the input validation I'm looking for but I'm still fuzzy on how its should be actually coded i think I'm screwing up placement of my do whiles
see the difference between these two:

let > 'A' || let < 'Z'
let < 65  || let > 90

there are standard functions, hinted at by mutexe, check out this page:
In your first dowhile statement you put while(let > 'A' || let < 'Z')
it should be while (let > 'A' && let < 'Z')

also in your if statements you should just put
if (let == 'A' || let == 'E' || let == 'I' || let == 'O' || let == 'U')
I got it thanks guys it works good now!
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