Displaying constants as a decimal/hexadecimal/letter

I need to write a program in which you do the following:

Define three named constants using the appropriate data types:
DEC_NUM = 65;
HEX_NUM = 0x7a;
LETTER = 'f';

Then display each of these constants in decimal, in hexadecimal, and as a character using cout. Your program will have a total of nine cout statements.

Any help would be much appreciated!
Homework is for the beginner subsection...

You define then using #define .

For the char to int, and int to char, use casts ex:<<(char)DEC_NUM<<//..." .

But to convert to hex, do std::cout<<"0x"<<std::hex<<DEC_NUM<<"\n";

And you can just cout the hex number for the int version, and you need to convert your hex to hex to view it as hex.
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