Vector Cross Product

Dear all,

I am trying to compute the cross product of an 1x6 column vector "D" with a 6xN matrix "S".

vector< vector<float> > D(1, vector<float>(6));
vector< vector<float> > S(6, vector<float>(10)); // Example where N = 10

float cProduct = D*S; // ? 

The last line fails, so I'm wondering how you would get the cross product?


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Do you mean the matrix product? Cross product is only defined when both operands are in R3.

C++ vectors are used to store arbitrarily long sequences of objects. They are not analogous to vectors in mathematics and they do not implement any of their operations. You need a linear algebra library, such as Eigen.
Dear helios,

I did mean the matrix product, thanks for the clarification. I'm currently playing around with the Armadillo linear algebra library :)
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