Programming Partner


I've been teaching myself programming for the last two years, and I've recently become fascinated with Alexander Stepanov's view on programming.

I was hoping to find someone like minded to work on some small projects together, review each others code and get to a point where we would write identical code.

Some other programmers that have influenced my views are:
Stephan T Lavavej
Sean Parent
Bjarne Stroustrup
Gabriel Dos Reis
Paul McJones

If you would be interested you can send me an email at
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How exactly have these people influenced you?
I should be more specific and say they've influenced my style and view on programming.
For example Alex, Gabriel, Sean and Paul have shown me that good programming is mathematics. Bjarne shows people that programming should be simple and expressive, rather than an abuse of the advanced features of a language. STL on what he thinks OO programming is.
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