Can't be able to use "graphics.h" in Code Block ?

I'm trying to use "graphics.h" just for learning purpose. I'm trying to draw a line but "Code Block 13.12" gives this error

"drawing operation was attempted when there was no current window"

Code I'm using:

int main()
return 0;

As Code Block by default doesn't have "graphics.h". So, I followed One tutorial tom setup graphics.h in Code Block which has the following steps.

1. Download "WinBGIm_Library6_0_Nov2005.rar" from

2. After extraction put "graphics.h" & "winbgim.h" in "C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\include" folder

3. "libbgi.a" in "C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib" folder

4. Setting -> Compiler -> Global compiler setting
5.under "Link Libraries" section add
"C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\include"

6. under "Other linker options" section add
-lbgi -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -luuid -loleaut32 -lole32

7. Open "graphics.h" from "C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\include" in notepad and jump to line 302 and edit it to

int left=0, int top=0, int right=INT_MAX, int bottom=INT_MAX,

Please tell whats the problem
You didn't initialise your window.
As Code Block by default doesn't have "graphics.h".
And it is logical because graphics.h is non-standard external library.
OPs description includes downloading and installing WinBGIm, which is a modern port of the old BGI (Borland Graphics) library.

Make sure to peruse the documentation at

It is full of examples.

To initialize the graphics library you will probably want to use the initwindow() function.
(That creates a graphics window you can draw a line in, in contrast to a fullscreen graphics mode.) Take a look at the first example to see how create a window and draw a line.

Hope this helps.
you could have just put the file in the same folder as the .cbp file and in the main.cpp file said #include "graphics.h" .
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@Duoas, Upon running this code

#include <graphics.h>
int main()
/* initialize graphics window at 400 x 300 */
initwindow(400, 300);

/* draw a line */
line(0, 0, 100, 100);

/* clean up */
return 0;

I'm getting this new error message

"Test.exe" has stopped working and
I've installed WinBGIm myself and see the same problem -- meaning something is wrong with the library. If I get time I'll figure it out for you, but you might ask your teacher. It is unlikely you are the only student with the issue.

Alright.. I just compiled from source. Chances are there is a mismatch with the GCC version used to create the binary you got from the WinBGIm site...

Give me a few minutes and I'll post the new binary for you (and your classmates) to grab.
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Alright, you can grab the new WinBGIm here:

Unzip and you'll find a new libbgi.a to replace the one you have now.

I'll keep this up for a while (at least a month), but not forever. (Otherwise the interwebs will start a whole bunch of people grabbing it all the time and Comcast will want to charge me more money.)

Hope this helps.
Kudos @Duoas
Thanx a lot, It worked. I've dwnloaded it. You can remove it now.
Well, let your classmates get it too... They're probably having the same problem you are. :-)
@Duos Oh no no not my classmates. Actually I've learned c++ way back 3-4 years. But didn't learn this part. There is one old project that I have, So I was thinking to improve its user interface with little bit of graphics.
Ah, I missed that in your first post. :-/

Well, glad to have helped.
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