C++ IDE Closes when Alt+F9 or Alt+F5

Hello everyone.

I've recently downloaded c++ ide for windows 8(dos boxed version).

Every time i try to compile or run any program. CPP Console closes down, can anybody help ?

Thank you so much.
Why are you trying to use software that is not from the last decade?
(Because he's in India and most schools and universities there are still teaching with pre-standard Borland 4.x or 5.5 C++. It's not his fault.)

It could be that the IDE is just so old it is trying to do something that the OS prohibits, and is terminating it for trying. Do you get the same problem when you compile by using the mouse to click on the Build->Build or Build->Run options?

Another issue might be that the console is just naturally closing when your program terminates. Check out the sticky at the top of the beginner's forum.

It could be that the code the compiler is producing is not well-behaved for Windows 8.

Finally, it could be an issue between the IDE and DosBox programs themselves... alas.

Sorry we can't be of much more help. Your best bet is to ask your professor for help getting set up.

Good luck!
Does the console close or does it crash? There is a significant difference between the two and one of them is the intended behavior. I highly doubt that between DOS box and compatibility mode that you couldn't get this to work but you would have to actually tell us the name of the IDE for me to be sure. Try running your program in the environment that it was written for, in your case that would be DOS-Box.
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