I have an idea which i will try to implement in C++,I want to compress file size through making my own numbering system which is 80-based number, I do really want to know whether this even possible ? I learnet that Hexadecimal uses symbols like A, B, C, D, E, F to represent 10,11,12,13,14,15 -- and that's what i want to do to my own numbering system but in a bigger scale . Please correct me if i'm missing something .
if possible:
How can i use C++ to open a file in Hex mode ?
Making a new numbering system won't compress anything. Ultimately, the file is stored in binary (ie, just a string of 0s and 1s). So any data has to be represented in that form.
Hexadecimal is commonly used because the transition between binary<->hexadecimal is very simple and easy. 1 hex digit = 4 binary digits:
Finding repeating patterns is a common compression technique. That could work.
Though "represent them in symbols" doesn't really make sense. Remember... all a file is is a big series of numbers. And all it can be is a series of numbers.
Compression techniques work by taking a large series of numbers and finding a way to express it with a smaller series of numbers.
You unknowingly just came up with the primary technique used in all compression algorithms in use today. You'd be better off using an existing, 10mb text files into 20kb kind of thing.