Help stuck

Can't seem to get this program working, any ideas?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()

int quiznum,quizsum,program,quizlow;
double testsum,testp,testavg,final;

cout<<"Enter the program average: ";

cout<<"Enter the sum of the test scores: ";

cout<<"Enter the maximum test points available: ";

cout<<"Enter the number of quizzes that have been taken: ";

cout<<"Enter the sum of all of the quizzes that have been taken: ";

if (quiznum=<2)
testavg=(testsum + quizsum) / (testp + (10 * quiznum)) * 100;
final= (program+testavg)/2;

cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<" Grade Calculator "<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<"Program Average "<<program<<endl;
cout<<"Test Average "<<testavg<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<"Final Grade "<<final<<endl;



cout<<"Enter the sum of the two low quiz scores: ";

testavg=(testsum + quizsum - quizlow) / (testp + (10 * (quiznum - 2))) * 100;
final= (program+testavg)/2;

cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<" Grade Calculator "<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<"Program Average "<<program<<endl;
cout<<"Test Average "<<testavg<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<"Final Grade "<<final<<endl;


return 0;


/////// Should look like this

Run 1

Enter the program average: 75.26

Enter the sum of the test scores: 76
Enter the maximum test points available: 100

Enter the number of quizzes that have been taken: 2
Enter the sum of all of the quizzes that have been taken: 17

Grade Calculator

Program Average 75.26
Test Average 77.50

Final Grade 76.72
Run 2

Enter the program average: 75.26

Enter the sum of the test scores: 76
Enter the maximum test points available: 100

Enter the number of quizzes that have been taken: 5
Enter the sum of all of the quizzes that have been taken: 42
Enter the sum of the two low quiz scores: 13

Grade Calculator

Program Average 75.26
Test Average 80.77

Final Grade 78.84
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I think you lack some parenthesis in the lines with
testavg = ...

Please check. :)
thank you!

now im having a problem of

Enter the sum of the test scores:
Enter the maximum test points available:

being put on the same line if "Enter the program average:" i put a number with 1 or 2 decimal places making it come out.

Enter the sum of the test scores:Enter the maximum test points available:

any ideas?

--edited my first post to show my correction--
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