// Programmed by Anthony Altreb. Date 10-16-12
//Reprogramed by jasonwynn10. Date 9-5-14
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
/*Windows only!
#include <windows.h>*/
usingnamespace std;
int main ()
int magic;// magic number.
int guess;// user's guess.
int c=0;// the amount of right guesses
magic=rand()%20+1;//get a random number. between 0-19 then adds one.
string name;
int flag=1;
cout<<"Please enter your name \n";
cout<<" Hello\n "<< name <<" you have 5 chances to guess the right value for 7 DIFFERENT numbers.\n";
// This is the for loop that will control how many magic number values you have to guess
for (int guesschance=1; guesschance < 8;guesschance++)
// This is the for loop that will control the number of chances you get to guess the value.
for (int guessnum=1; guessnum < 6; guessnum++)
cout<<"Please enter guess #" <<guessnum<<" for guess value "<<guesschance<<": "; // The prompt message.
// Obtain a guess value from user.
if (guess==magic && flag==1)
// Prompt message that tells user that their guess value was correct.
cout<<"\n***You are well built, my respects!!!***\nMagic Number was"<<' '<<magic<<"!\n";
// Prompt message that tells the user at which attempt the user guessed correctly.
cout<<"Your guess was the #"<< guessnum <<" attempt.\n";
// The expression is rechecked and found to be false thus breaking out of this block of code and ends the program.
cout<<"\n...Sorry, you are wrong, please try again! \n"; // prompt message that lets user know their guess value was incorrect.
if (guess>magic) cout<<"\nYour approximation has exceeded my expectation. Please lower your guess value.\n";
// prompt message that lets user know their guess value was too high
else cout<<"\nYour approximation is far lower then I expected. Please raise the value of your guess.\n"<<endl;
// prompt message that lets user know their guess value was too low.
if (guessnum==5 && magic!=guess)
cout<<"The magic number was "<<magic<<endl;
cout<<name<<", your success rate was "<< (c/7)*100<<"%"<<endl;
/*Windows only!
return 0; // end of program.