Trying to store information from a file in a linked list

I'm trying to open a file (contains member information) and store the information in an object, which is then inserted into a linked list. However, the current code just leaves a blank command window hanging with nothing happening. Can someone help point out where i'm going wrong here?

main.cpp -
If you never see "Clients Loaded", then you are never reaching line 48 of main.cpp.

I would imagine this is because line 27 puts the file into an error state and makes it so the end of the file is never reached.
How would I go about loading the information from the file then?
I don't know if this will fix it, but it's better code.

line 25

Instead of:
while (!clients.eof())
do this:
while ( clients >> tempGender >> tempName >> tempNumber >> tempIntNum )

and remove line 27.
You can also combine lines 11 and 23 into:
ifstream clients ( "Clients.txt" );
It's an ifstream (INPUT file stream) so there's no need to specify ios::in.
It stopped freezing using your suggestion, however, after I put a displaylist() call into main, nothing is displayed. This makes me think that nothing is being loaded.
line 20 of the fourth file, struct ListNode *next; should be ListNode *next;.
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