Help: Card Application IOS

Hi there I'm creating a IOS application where the user selects 5 cards defined using NSArray arrayWithObjects (52 cards). Basically I am struggling to get the cards in my Card.m file from my ViewController.

Here is my code from my view controller:

[arOptions addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Ace H" ]];
recipes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"ace of hearts", @"two of hearts", @"three of hearts", @"four of hearts", @"five of hearts", @"six of hearts", @"seven of hearts", @"eight of hearts", @"nine of hearts", @"ten of hearts", @"jack of hearts", @"queen of hearts", @"king of hearts", @"ace of spades", @"two of spades", @"three of spades", @"four of spades", @"five of spades", @"six of spades", @"seven of spades", @"eight of spades", @"nine of spades", @"ten of spades", @"jack of spades", @"queen of spades", @"king of spades", @"ace of diamonds", @"two of diamonds", @"three of diamonds", @"four of diamonds", @"five of diamonds", @"six of diamonds", @"seven of diamonds", @"eight of diamonds", @"nine of diamonds", @"ten of diamonds", @"jack of diamonds", @"queen of diamonds", @"king of diamonds", @"ace of clubs", @"two of clubs", @"three of clubs", @"four of clubs", @"five of clubs", @"six of clubs", @"seven of clubs", @"eight of clubs", @"nine of clubs", @"ten of clubs", @"jack of clubs", @"queen of clubs", @"king of clubs", nil];

Here is the code I am trying to use to define the cards in the Card.m file:

-(void) set:(NSString *) param {

NSArray *fields = [param componentsSeparatedByString: @" "];

num = 0;
suit = [fields objectAtIndex:1];

if([fields[0] isEqualToArray:(recipes)]){
else if([fields[0] isEqualToString: @"jack"]){
else if([fields[0] isEqualToString: @"queen"]){
else if([fields[0] isEqualToString: @"king"]){
else {
num=[fields[0] intValue];


If somebody can please help me on this then that would great. If you would like to see more of the code please PM me.

Thanks in advance
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