Instead of printing in CMD can print out in .css/.txt?

Hi, I have previous threads asking how to make a list of words that were matched up be printed out into a .css or .txt but haven't had any help yet. So I thought of another idea that might help me.

Is there anyway to make the words being printed out in CMD after debugging/compiling a script printed out in a .txt/.cpp file instead? CMD only has 300 lines. I need the outcome to be printed out elsewhere so more lines can be posted rather than 300.

I messed around with it and couldn't quite get what I wanted. Not to mention by the time the script is done debugging and you press a key the CMD closes. :x
still haven't figured this out
$ ./your_program.exe > output_file.txt
I have no clue where to put that or what to do with it. I'm sorry and I understand that might be basic stuff. However, I am not familiar with C++ at all.
open a console (cmd.exe)
go to the path where your executable is (cd)
write that command
The only reason I'm trying to do this is because the code I have for c++ doesn't print out text into an output.txt file.

It creates it if it doesn't exist but only prints things out in CMD. The output.txt file stays empty.

Why isn't the words being written there?
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