1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MENU.size(); i++)//Iterate trough all of the menu items
if (MENU[i].Type == MENUFOLDER && !MENU[i].folder)
if (IsMouseOver(x, fItemPos, Width, 19))
curItemMouseOver = &MENU[i];
Draw.FillRGBA(x - 1, fItemPos, 1, 19, RED(255));
Draw.FillRGBA(x + Width, fItemPos, 1, 19, RED(255));
sprintf(FolderText, "• %s", MENU[i].Name.c_str());
sprintf(FolderText, "%s", MENU[i].Name.c_str());
//Background rectangles
Draw.FillRGBA(x, fItemPos, Width, 19, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(120, 255, 255, 255));
//Draw teh text
Draw.Text(FolderText, x + 3, fItemPos + 2, Left, 1, true, WHITE(255), BLACK(255));
//Draw.Text((char *)MENU[i].opt[*MENU[i].var], x + Width - 3, fItemPos + 2, Right, 1, true, WHITE(255), BLACK(255));
MENU[i].ItemPos = { i, x, fItemPos, Width, ItemHeight };
fItemPos += ItemHeight;
Height = fItemPos - MENU_Y;
if (MENU[i].Type == MENUITEM || MENU[i].folder)
if (*MENU[i].folder->Variable)
if (IsMouseOver(x, fItemPos, Width, 19))
curItemMouseOver = &MENU[i];
Draw.FillRGBA(x - 1, fItemPos, 1, 19, RED(255));
Draw.FillRGBA(x + Width, fItemPos, 1, 19, RED(255));
sprintf(ItemText, "• %s", MENU[i].Name.c_str());
sprintf(ItemText, "%s", MENU[i].Name.c_str());
//Background rectangles
Draw.FillRGBA(x, fItemPos, Width, 19, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(80, 230, 230, 230));
//Draw teh text
Draw.Text(ItemText, x + 3, fItemPos + 2, Left, 1, true, WHITE(255), BLACK(255));
Draw.Text((char *)MENU[i].Options[*MENU[i].Variable], x + Width - 3, fItemPos + 2, Right, 1, true, WHITE(255), BLACK(255));
MENU[i].ItemPos = { i, x, fItemPos, Width, ItemHeight };
fItemPos += ItemHeight;
Height = fItemPos - MENU_Y;
//if (MENU[i].Type == MENUSUBFOLDER)
/// ShowMenu(pDevice, x, y, MENU[i].Item);