C++ on OS X vs Windows

Jul 26, 2014 at 2:34pm
I am beginner in C++. I have a Macbook Pro and a stationary PC with Windows 7 on it.

My question is how the environment on OS X vs Windows for programing C++ varies. Is Windows considered a better fit for programming games and such? Can I be programming games on OS X as good as on Windows (I'm thinking about tools etc)?

What are the pros and cons over the different OS? I want to hear from the experts about this :)

Thanks in advance!
Jul 26, 2014 at 5:22pm
closed account (j1CpDjzh)
I have the option to program on both, however my opinions a bit biased because I like Apple. I enjoy programming on my Mac more than programming on a Windows... Then again - I don't have much experience on a Windows.
On a Mac, you have Xcode, and it's pretty easy to compile a C++ file to a Unix Executable anyways. I find it a lot easier to run a program to the Terminal window than it is to the Command Prompt window, but again - that's just me.

On a Windows, there's a lot more information out there. There are more tutorials, and because of this, makes it easier to get into C++. On a Mac, I've struggled to find tutorials through a simple Google search. Sometimes it'll take me days to find my answer (and that's after rephrasing my question 100 different ways, and searching through many pages of Google, tons of forums, videos, etc..).

Sorry for writing so much. TL;DR: There are a lot of people who prefer Windows programming, but I personally like programming on a Mac. Somethings are harder on a Mac or vice versa, but al in all, it's a matter of preference.
Last edited on Jul 26, 2014 at 5:23pm
Jul 26, 2014 at 8:42pm
I program on a macbook pro. I am almost exactly like tiny screaming yak, except I do have a decent amount of experience programming on Windows. I do like Apple products better, in general. Putting that aside, I do enjoy developing on macs better.

Xcode is great, but if you don't want to use it, you can also compile through the terminal. Also, running your app in Xcode, you may notice it doesn't bring up a command-prompt/terminal window. It show the output on the bottom of the window. If you want to see it run in the terminal, you can always go to the "Products" group in the navigation controller and right click on the executable file, click "show in Finder", and then copy that whereever.

For writing GUI apps, you need to use an external library. Or to use Cocoa (the native API for OS X and iOS, like WinAPI for Windows), you will need to use at least some Objective-C. You can use Objective-C++ also, where you can mix the code, by just renaming the Obj-C .m files to .mm; You would still have to use Obj-C for the UI.

Another great thing is that OpenGL and GLUT (or OpenGL ES for iOS) comes natively with it and can be used with pure C++.
Last edited on Jul 26, 2014 at 8:51pm
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