Homework Help
Jul 7, 2014 at 1:31pm UTC
Hello, I was working on my C++ homework and was wondering if anyone could help me with part of it. I wrote the .cpp and .h files but now I am stuck. Here is what I am supposed to do:
1. Write a subprogram (not a method) void promptForMovie(Movie & myMovie); that prompts the user for movie information, and returns a Movie object to the calling program. When this command is executed, the user will be asked to supply the attributes for the movie.
2. Write a method void output(ostream & out); that will display movie information as follows:
Here is my header file: MovieClass.h
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// This is the header file that includes the interface of the Movie class
#ifndef _MOVIE_
#define _MOVIE_
#include <string>
using namespace std;
enum Movie_Rating {G,PG,PG13,R,NC17,NR} ;
class Movie
public : // interface of the Socialite_user class
//------------ Constructors ------------------
Movie(const string& title) ;
Movie(const string& title,
const string& director,
Movie_Rating rating,
unsigned int year,
const string& path) ;
// ------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Destructor -------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------
// ~Movie(); // To be implemented in a future assignment.
//------------ Inspectors --------------------
string getTitle() const ;
string getDirector() const ;
Movie_Rating getRating() const ;
unsigned int getYear() const ;
string getURL() const ;
//------------ Mutators ---------------------
void setTitle(const string& title);
void setDirector(const string& director) ;
void setRating(Movie_Rating rating) ;
void setYear(unsigned int year) ;
void setURL(const string& path) ;
private : // private data fields associated with Socialite_user objects
// Underscores indicate a private member variable
string title_ ;
string director_ ;
Movie_Rating rating_ ;
unsigned int year_ ;
string url_ ;
MovieClass.cpp :
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// This is the file that includes the implementation of the Movie class
#include "MovieClass.h"
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ciso646>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
title_ = "" ;
director_ = "" ;
url_ = "" ;
Movie::Movie(const string& title)
title_ = "" ;
Movie::Movie(const string& title, const string& director, Movie_Rating rating, unsigned int year, const string& path)
title_ = "" ;
director_ = "" ;
url_ = "" ;
string Movie::getTitle() const
return title_;
string Movie::getDirector() const
return director_;
Movie_Rating Movie::getRating() const
return rating_;
unsigned int Movie::getYear() const
return year_;
string Movie::getURL() const
return url_;
void Movie::setDirector(const string& director)
director_ = director;
void Movie::setRating(Movie_Rating rating)
rating_ = rating;
void Movie::setYear(unsigned int year)
year_ = year;
void Movie::setURL(const string& path)
url_ = path;
And this is supposed to be my test file; I am pretty sure I wrote this completely wrong. I think this is where I would put the subprogram and method they are asking for?: main.cpp
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// This is the file that will test the implementation of the MovieClass
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include "MovieClass.h"
using namespace std;
// Prints out Movie Information
void output(ostream & out);
int main(void )
Movie promptForMovie;
cout << "Movie: " << Movie.setTitle << endl;
cout << "Director: " << Movie.setDirector << endl;
cout << "Year: " << Movie.setYear << endl;
cout << "Rating: " << Movie.setRating << endl;
cout << "IMDB URL: " << Movie.setURL << endl;
ofstream myfile;
myfile.open ("MovieTest.txt" );
myfile << "Movie: " ;
myfile << promptForMovie.getTitle();
myfile << "\n" ;
myfile << "Director: " ;
myfile << promptForMovie.getDirector();
myfile << "\n" ;
myfile << "Year: " ;
myfile << promptForMovie.getYear();
myfile << "\n" ;
myfile << "Rating: " ;
myfile << promptForMovie.getRating();
myfile << "\n" ;
myfile << "IMDB Url: " ;
myfile << promptForMovie.getURL();
myfile << "\n" ;
return 0;
Thank you
Jul 7, 2014 at 1:44pm UTC
First error that i can see is:
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cout << "Movie: " << Movie.setTitle << endl;
cout << "Director: " << Movie.setDirector << endl;
cout << "Year: " << Movie.setYear << endl;
cout << "Rating: " << Movie.setRating << endl;
cout << "IMDB URL: " << Movie.setURL << endl;
the bracket are missing and i suppose you wanted to call the getTitle, getDirector ecc... Or you should call the setters with the cin operator...
Jul 7, 2014 at 2:11pm UTC
Yea I'm pretty sure that whole section is wrong. I want to prompt the user for this information and then call it so I can output the information. How would I write a subprogram that would do that?
Jul 7, 2014 at 2:58pm UTC
So for the console prompt part it should be:
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cout << "Movie: " << promptForMovie.getTitle() << endl;
cout << "Director: " << promptForMovie.getDirector() << endl;
cout << "Year: " << promptForMovie.getYear() << endl;
cout << "Rating: " << promptForMovie.getRating() << endl;
cout << "IMDB URL: " << promptForMovie.getURL() << endl;
in this way your program will write in the console that attibutes, but you need to insert some values. So before that you should write:
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cout << " Insert Movie: " << endl;
string tempString;
cin >> tempString;
and so on for all the data you wanna insert.
Jul 7, 2014 at 4:46pm UTC
Thanks! Now how would I write a method void output(ostream & out); that will display movie information?
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