Hi, im getting a really weird error right now, and im unsure how to fix it. Here is my code atm:
#include <iostream>
#include "All.h" //all stats etc.
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
void ChooseRace();
void ChooseClass();
void ChooseLevel();
void Fighting();
void HumanFighterStats(); //lvl 1-15
void EnemyHumanFighterStats(); //lvl 1-15
void HumanSwordAndShieldStats(); //lvl 15-35
void EnemyHumanSwordAndShieldStats(); //lvl 15-35
void HumanPaladinStats(); //lvl 35-50
void EnemyHumanPaladinStats(); //lvl 35-50
void HumanWarriorStats(); //lvl35-50
void EnemyHumanWarriorStats(); //lvl 35-50
void HumanDualWieldStats(); //lvl 15-35
void EnemyHumanDualWieldStats(); //lvl 15-35
void HumanGladiatorStats(); //lvl 35-50
void EnemyHumanGladiatorStats(); //lvl 35-50
void HumanGuardianStats(); //lvl 35-50
void EnemyHumanGuardianStats(); //lvl 35-50
void HumanFighter2HStats(); //lvl 15-35
void EnemyHumanFighter2HStats(); //lvl 15-35
void HumanDestroyerStats(); //lvl 35-50
void EnemyHumanDestroyerStats(); //lvl 35-50
void HumanRaiderStats(); //lvl 35-50
void EnemyHumanRaiderStats(); //lvl 35-50
double HumanFG[10][12] =
{ {.0701,.05997,.105,.092,.095,.061,.0590,.0490,.0571,.05107,.04512,.0177}, //F 0
{.0741,.06021,.110,.094,.096,.075,.0670,.0540,.0602,.05137,.04551,.0175}, //SS 1
{.0821,.06532,.125,.095,.097,.094,.0820,.0730,.0751,.05219,.04621,.0218}, //P 2
{.0831,.06604,.120,.082,.093,.101,.0935,.0805,.0761,.05155,.04561,.0182}, //W 3
{.0732,.06010,.124,.092,.095,.064,.0620,.0520,.0582,.05313,.05132,.0193}, //DW 4
{.0781,.07204,.132,.093,.095,.072,.0680,.0550,.0601,.05352,.05324,.0224}, //GU 5
{.0775,.06891,.141,.093,.095,.068,.0661,.0545,.0631,.05521,.05435,.0241}, //GL 6
{.0751,.06013,.127,.093,.098,.067,.0611,.0621,.0573,.05120,.04822,.0179}, //2H 7
{.0781,.06061,.131,.094,.098,.071,.0632,.0630,.0577,.05133,.05102,.0187}, //D 8
{.0773,.06121,.137,.095,.099,.067,.0622,.0613,.0575,.05127,.05210,.0192}}; //R 9
int HumanFS[12] =
int main()
std::cout << "What is your level?: ";
std::cin >> All::ylvl;
return 0;
void ChooseRace()
char chooser;
std::cout << "list of races:" <<endl;
std::cout << "1.) Human" << endl;
std::cout << "2.) Android" << endl;
std::cout << "3.) Angel" << endl;
std::cout << "4.) Demon" << endl;
std::cout << "what is your race?: ";
std::cin >> chooser;
if (chooser == '1')
void ChooseClass()
char choosec;
std::cout << "list of classes:" << endl;
std::cout << "1.) Fighter" << endl;
std::cout << "2.) Sword and Shield" << endl;
std::cout << "3.) Paladin" << endl;
std::cout << "4.) Warior" << endl;
std::cout << "5.) Dual Wield" << endl;
std::cout << "6.) Guardian" << endl;
std::cout << "7.) Gladiator" << endl;
std::cout << "8.) 2-Handed" << endl;
std::cout << "9.) Destroyer" << endl;
std::cout << "0.) Raider" << endl;
std::cout << "what is your class (type n for next 10)?: ";
std::cin >> choosec;
if (choosec == '1')
if (choosec == '2')
if (choosec == '3')
if (choosec == '4')
if (choosec == '5')
if (choosec == '6')
if (choosec == '7')
if (choosec == '8')
if (choosec == '9')
if (choosec == '0')
if (choosec == 'n')
void HumanFighterStats()
All::constant = (1+HumanFG[0][0]);
All::i= pow(All::constant, All::ylvl);
All::yhp = All::i* HumanFS[0];
All::constant = (1+HumanFG[0][1]);
All::i= pow(All::constant, All::ylvl);
All::ymp = All::i* HumanFS[1];
All::constant = (1+HumanFG[0][2]);
All::i= pow(All::constant, All::ylvl);
All::ypatk = All::i* HumanFS[2];
All::constant = (1+HumanFG[0][3]);
All::i= pow(All::constant, All::ylvl);
All::ymatk = All::i* HumanFS[3];
All::constant = (1+HumanFG[0][4]);
All::i= pow(All::constant, All::ylvl);
All::yratk = All::i* HumanFS[4];
All::constant = (1+HumanFG[0][5]);
All::i= pow(All::constant, All::ylvl);
All::ypdef = All::i* HumanFS[5];
All::constant = (1+HumanFG[0][6]);
All::i= pow(All::constant, All::ylvl);
All::ymdef = All::i* HumanFS[6];
All::constant = (1+HumanFG[0][7]);
All::i= pow(All::constant, All::ylvl);
All::yrdef = All::i* HumanFS[7];
All::constant = (1+HumanFG[0][8]);
All::i= pow(All::constant, All::ylvl);
All::ydb = All::i* HumanFS[8];
All::constant = (1+HumanFG[0][9]);
All::i= pow(All::constant, All::ylvl);
All::yacc = All::i* HumanFS[9];
All::constant = (1+HumanFG[0][10]);
All::i= pow(All::constant, All::ylvl);
All::ycr = All::i* HumanFS[10];
All::constant = (1+HumanFG[0][11]);
All::i= pow(All::constant, All::ylvl);
All::yas = All::i* HumanFS[11];
std::cout << "your stats look like this: " <<endl;
cout << All::yhp << "HP." <<endl;
cout << All::ymp << "MP." <<endl;
cout << All::ypatk << "P.Atk." << endl;
cout << All::ymatk << "M.Atk." << endl;
cout << All::yratk << "R.Atk." << endl;
cout << All::ypdef << "P.Def." << endl;
cout << All::ymdef << "M.Def." << endl;
cout << All::yrdef << "R.Def." << endl;
cout << All::ydb << "Dodge/Block." << endl;
cout << All::yacc << "Acc." << endl;
cout << All::ycr << "Crit. Rate." << endl;
cout << All::yas << "Atk.Spd." << endl;
All.h looks like this:
#ifndef new_tester2_All_h
#define new_tester2_All_h
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
class All
public: All();
static char chooser;
static char choosec;
static char choosec2;
static char choosec3;
static char choosec4;
static char echooser;
static char echoosec;
static char echoosec2;
static int yhp;
static int ymp;
static int ypatk;
static int ypdef;
static int yratk;
static int yrdef;
static int ymatk;
static int ymdef;
static int ydb;
static int yacc;
static int ycr;
static int yas;
static char echoosec3;
static char echoosec4;
static int ehp;
static int emp;
static int epatk;
static int epdef;
static int eratk;
static int erdef;
static int ematk;
static int emdef;
static int edb;
static int eacc;
static int ecr;
static int eas;
static int x;
static double constant;
static double i;
static char chooseer;
static char chooseec;
static int ylvl;
static int y;
static int elvl;
int ypdamt = ypatk; //ypatk
int ypdamb = epdef; //epdef
int epdamt = epatk; //epatk
int epdamb = ypdef; //ypdef
int ypdamf = ypdamt/ypdamb;
int epdamf = epdamt/epdamb;
here is a picture of my error code:
(scrolling down, under the green part):
not sure how to fix it at all.
thx for the help.