Tag Mobility Code

Jun 16, 2014 at 5:53am
Hello experts, I really need help with this problem. I divided my question into three sections, Initialization, Implementation and Output. Basically Initialization where I initialized my variables and Implementation where I implement the code. In implementation section line 6, There is a loop where numTags is 50. In line 7, the tag is being located randomly in the range from 0.0 to numReaders * 2.4. Location is a class which has three parameters x,y and z and this code is from the main file. Output section shows the result of this code. As you can see in x where the location of tag is stored. This means the tag is static because the location is stored only in x. Don't worry about z.

My question is how can I make the tag mobility? I mean how can I make the tag moves from location x to z?

This code is from a simulator and I am trying to modify it, so I can make the tag mobility. My friend told me that maybe I can use the time in the simulator to introduce tag mobility, but I am still trying to figure out how the time system works.

Please share any idea or suggestion
If something is not clear, please ask me!

//Initialization Section 
t_uint numTags = 50;
t_uint numReaders = 5;

//Implementation Section
for(t_uint i = 0; i < numTags; ++i) {
        Location location(rand->uniformReal(0.0, (numReaders * 2.4)),0,T);

//Output Section
event userDefined -time 0.000000000000 Tag ID: 6 Location: (x=4.80796, y=0, z=0)
-event userDefined -time 0.000000000000 Tag ID: 7 Location: (x=8.3855, y=0, z=0)
-event userDefined -time 0.000000000000 Tag ID: 8 Location: (x=1.77704, y=0, z=1)
-event userDefined -time 0.000000000000 Tag ID: 9 Location: (x=4.59177, y=0, z=1)
-event userDefined -time 0.000000000000 Tag ID: 10 Location: (x=3.01736, y=0,z=1)
-event userDefined -time 0.000000000000 Tag ID: 11 Location: (x=1.75231, y=0,z=0)
Jun 16, 2014 at 7:28am
Is there anything wrong with my question? :P
Jun 16, 2014 at 7:41am
So has rand->uniformReal(0.0, (numReaders * 2.4)) something to do with what you named 'tag'?

In other words: What the heck is a 'tag' in your context? How does it to come into existence? And how is it stored with 'x'?
Jun 16, 2014 at 8:15am
Thanks for the reply. Yes rand->uniformReal(0.0, (numReaders * 2.4)) is the range where the tag is stored randomly. In other words: numReaders = 5, so 5 * 2.4 = 12. Now from 0 to 12, the tag is distributed randomly in x location.

In other words: What the heck is a 'tag' in your context?
The tag is a node and has its ID. The ID of the tag basically starts after the numReaders, as you can see in Initialization Section. numReaders = 5 and that's why we have the first tag ID in the output is 6 and it goes up to 50 tags. I just post few of the result from the output as an example.

I can post the whole code if you like!
Jun 16, 2014 at 10:56am
Well, post the relevant code. Show the code for Location and what 'tag' is.

The tag is a node and has its ID
That sounds as if a list or a tree or something like that is involved.
So do you want to copy a 'tag' node from one list to another?
What could 'tag mobility' mean?
Jun 16, 2014 at 5:53pm
I post the codes from the main file and the location class. Basically these codes from a simulator called RFIDSIM which I am using for my research.

what 'tag' is?
This is a RFID tag.

What could 'tag mobility' mean?
meaning the tag moves from a location to another. And this means same tage ID moves from x to y. I think this has to do with time; maybe I write a function where tag moves from x after a period of time but I am not sure!

for(t_uint i = 0; i < numTags; ++i) {
		Location location(rand->uniformReal(0.0, (numReaders* 2.4)),0,0);
		NodePtr tagNode = Node::create(location, NodeId(numReaders+i));

		ostringstream userDefinedStream;
		userDefinedStream << "Tag ID: " << tagNode->getNodeId() <<
			" Location: " << tagNode->getLocation();
#include "location.hpp"

	: m_xCoordinate(0.0), m_yCoordinate(0.0), m_zCoordinate(0.0)


Location::Location(float x, float y, float z)
	: m_xCoordinate(x), m_yCoordinate(y), m_zCoordinate(z)


Jun 17, 2014 at 8:02am
So does that mean you're simulating a vehicle that moves around with a RFID chip that is scanned at various locations?
If so I'd assume that the scanner are at fixed location? What is the scenario you're simulating?

If you're simulating a physical device you cannot use random numbers for its coordinates.
What you need speed and the direction.

But that depends solely on what you're simulating
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