Strange Question but...

Hello, I am beginning to partake on my next project and I was wondering if the was anyway if you can display a "window" so to speak in console? Like a secondary screen on top of the main screen? Thanks.
Are you talking about two consoles or a GUI and a console?
Two consoles.
That would be a platform specific question. I know in Windows that a process can only ever have one console that it attaches to (this is an upper limit btw), so in order to do this you would want at least two processes with some form of IPC to communicate between them. Alternatively, for a GUI environment you can have as many Windows as the system can support.
The question should be: what are your trying to achieve? Maybe a console project isn't the right solution.
Alright, thanks. I was asking this because while I was talking to my manager for setting hours at my job, he was setting hours on what looked to be a console application. It was generating a "window" so to speak every time he inputted my hours for a specific day. That's why I was asking.
I suspect OP is talking about something like this:
A text-based "window".

IIRC, PDcurses and ncurses have interfaces to do this.
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