Help FTP update MFC

hello, i'm a beginner MFC and I've currently been scripting a C++ dialog-based FTP Uploader using MFC, following but i have many errors, the first erro with #include "ifxinet.h" and
CFileDialog cfd(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, "File type description here", NULL);
the erro CFtpConnection *ftpConn = NULL;

i had read this topic but a don't understand, if you've ever done mfc update or or used to execute the code in link above, can you help me ?

anything that can help me

thank a lot
I'd guess that it's #include "afxinet.h"
thank you, the first i have error cannot open include file 'afxres.h', i had read this topic but i don't understand
Which version of visual studio do you use? Did you create the right type of project for MFC?
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