In a testing SFML project of mine, I've made 3 sf::CircleShape's: a big one, 2 small ones. The 2 small ones are supposed to be moving slowly around the center of the big one about 60px. They do move around but too fast. There must be something wrong with my calculations.
int direction = 0;
sf::CircleShape ball(50); //the big one, radius: 50
ball.setPosition(100, 100); //position: 100, 100
ball.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 165, 235));
sf::CircleShape arm[2]; //2 small ones
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
arm[i].setRadius(10); //radius: 10
arm[i].setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 165, 235));
vector1, //vector from the big one's center to one of the small ones' center
vector2(ball.getPosition() + sf::Vector2f(ball.getRadius(), ball.getRadius())), //location of the big one's center point
vector3(arm[0].getRadius(), arm[0].getRadius()); //the center points of the 2 small ones move around not position
while (Window.isOpen()) { // the loop
sf::Event Event;
if (Window.pollEvent(Event)) {
if (Event.type = sf::Event::KeyPressed) {
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Left)) direction++;
elseif (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Right)) direction--;
} //move the 2 small ones around with left and right arrow keys
if (direction == 360) direction = 0;
elseif (direction == -1) direction = 359;
// I think there must be something wrong here
vector1.x = (ball.getRadius() + ball.getOutlineThickness() + 5) * cos(direction);
vector1.y = (ball.getRadius() + ball.getOutlineThickness() + 5) * sin(direction);
arm[0].setPosition(vector2 + vector1 - vector3);
//location center of the big one + vector to one of the small oness center - vector to one of the small ones' (0, 0) point
arm[1].setPosition(vector2 - vector1 - vector3);
Just a quick guess: you think that the arguments for sin and cos are degrees. They are radians. So cos(direction) should be replaced by cos(direction*M_PI/180.) Same for sin.