These are practice test problems. I don't know how to do them. Any links to websites to help me out would be appreciated. Thanks!
1 2 3
1. void output( unsigned howMany );
Function's job is to output howMany prime #'s, starting with 2, taking every other prime #. For example, output( 6 ) will output
2 5 11 17 23 31
1 2
2. void readE( double & max, double & min, double & average );
(On entry, all 3 args are garbage.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3. void secretCode( string & s );
On entry, s is a non-encrypted message.
secretCode's job is to change each character of s as follows:
Each lower case letter in ['a', 'j']: replace with digit in ['0','9'];
Each digit in ['0','9']: replace with upper case letter in ['A', 'J'];
Each upper case letter in ['A', 'J']: replace with lower case letter in ['a', 'j']
all other 226 chars: leave unchanged.
1 2 3 4 5 6
4. void showPrimes();
showPrimes declares array of 100 unsigneds.
showPrimes calls prime to fill the array with the first 100 prime numbers.
showPrimes() calls
void outputArray( constunsigned array[], unsigned els );
to output all 100 prime numbers.