Shortest path in graph using dijkstra's algorithm

I have to make a program that finds the shortest path in graph using dijkstra's algorithm. I found the following to implement a graph but I don't know how to realise the dijkstra's algoritm.
<code>#ifndef GRAPH_H_
#define GRAPH_H_

* This file has declarations for classes used to represent the graph

#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//enum for the status of a node
enum Status {

//forward declaration
class Node;

//An object of this class represents an edge in the graph.
class Edge
Node *orgNode;//the originating vertex
Node *dstNode;//the destination vertex
unsigned cost;//cost of the edge

Edge(Node *firstNode, Node *secNode, unsigned inCost)
orgNode = firstNode;
dstNode = secNode;
cost = inCost;

Node* getDstNode()
return dstNode;

Node* getOrgNode()
return orgNode;

unsigned getCost()
return cost;

//An object of this class holds a vertex of the graph
class Node
string name;
vector<Edge> adjNodeList;//list of outgoing edges for this vertex
enum Status status;//used in dfs to mark the node visited

Node(string id)
name = id;
status = NOT_VISITED;

//do not del the adj nodes here...they will be deleted by graph destructor

enum Status getStatus()
return status;

void setStatus(enum Status st)
status = st;

string getName()
return name;

void addAdjNode(Node *adj, unsigned cost)
//create an edge with 'this' as the originating node and adj as the destination node
Edge newEdge(this, adj, cost);

vector<Edge>& getAdjNodeList()
return adjNodeList;

//displays all adjacent verticies of this vertex
void displayList()
string edgeOp = " -> " ;
for(int i=0 ; i < adjNodeList.size() ; i++)
Edge edg = adjNodeList[i];
cout << name << " -> " << edg.getDstNode()->getName() << endl ;


//An object of class graph holds a directed graph
class Graph
vector<Node*> nodeList;//list of verticies
bool foundCycle;//true if a cycle is found, false otherwise
int desiredCycSize;

void clearVisited()
for(int i = 0; i < nodeList.size() && !foundCycle ; i++)

void addNewNode(Node *nNode)

Node* findNodeByName(string name)
for(int i = 0 ; i < nodeList.size() ; i++)
if(nodeList[i]->getName() == name)
return nodeList[i];
return NULL;

foundCycle = false;

//free mem allocated to verticies
for(int i=0 ; i < nodeList.size() ; i++)
delete nodeList[i];

void displayGraph()
for(int i=0 ; i < nodeList.size() ; i++)

void readFlightSchedules() {

unsigned numOfCities, numOfFlights, cycSize;
//read in number of cities(TODO:in current implementation..not reqd), number of edges and the desired tour size
cin >> numOfCities >> numOfFlights >> cycSize;

string fromCity, toCity;
unsigned cost;

cin >> fromCity >> toCity >> cost;
//find if a vertex for the city already exists, if so get that
Node *u = findNodeByName(fromCity);
if(u == NULL)
u = new Node(fromCity);

//find if a vertex for the city already exists, if so get that
Node *v = findNodeByName(toCity);
if(v == NULL)
v = new Node(toCity);

desiredCycSize = cycSize;

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