Hi guys I am working on a maze project where in a binary tree maze is generated by a text file and then recursively solved. I know the theory behind recursively solving a maze and have no problems writing a program using arrays but the switch to binary trees has thrown me. Any suggestions on how I should proceed? thanks.
#ifndef BINTREE_H_
#define BINTREE_H_
#include <stdexcept>
#include <math.h>
#include "binnode.h"
template class for a binary tree
template <typename dataType> class bintree
binNode<dataType> *root;
int numItems;
int numNodes() const
// return a count of the number of nodes in the tree
// used by tree verify function
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
return root->numNodes();
constructors & destructors
// constructor
bintree() : root(NULL), numItems(0) {}
// copy constructor
bintree(const bintree<dataType> &other) : numItems(other.numItems)
if (other.root != NULL)
root = new binNode<dataType>(*(other.root));
root = NULL;
// destructor
if (root != NULL) delete root;
tree information functions
bool empty() const
return (numItems == 0);
int size() const
// return number of nodes in the tree
return numItems;
int treeHeight() const
// return the maximum height of the tree
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
return root->getHeight();
int maxTreeDepth() const
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
return root->maxTreeDepth();
int numLeafNodes() const
// return the number of leaf nodes in the tree
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
return root->numLeafNodes();
double balance() const
// Returns a measure of how balanced a tree is.
// A value of 1 is a prefectly balanced tree.
// The closer to 0 the value is the more unbalanced
// the tree.
// A value < 0.5 indicates a tree that is seriously unbalanced
// case of no nodes in tree
if (numItems == 0) return 1.0;
// calculate balance
double log2numItems = log10(numItems + 1) / log10(2);
return log2numItems / maxTreeDepth() * (numLeafNodes() * 2) / (numItems + 1);
bool verifyTree(char *error) const
// verify the tree is correcttly structured and nothing is broken
if (root == NULL) returntrue;
if (numNodes() != numItems)
strcpy(error, "Num nodes not the same as size");
return root->verifyTree(error);
insertion, erasure and find functions
void insert(const dataType& newData)
// insert the newData into the tree
if (root == NULL)
root = new binNode<dataType>(newData);
root->insert(root, newData);
void erase(const dataType& delData)
// find where delData is in tree and erase it
if (root == NULL)
throw std::invalid_argument("data does not exist in tree to erase");
root->erase(root, delData);
dataType* find(const dataType &findData)
// this function looks for findData in the tree.
// If it finds the data it will return the address of the data
// in the tree. otherwise it will return NULL
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
elsereturn root->find(findData);
const dataType* findConst(const dataType& findData) const
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
elsereturn root->findConst(findData);
overloaded operators
bintree<dataType>& operator = (const bintree<dataType> &other)
// make this tree equal to other.
// erases the entire current contents of the tree doing this
if (root != NULL)
delete root;
numItems = 0;
if (other.root != NULL)
root = new binNode<dataType>(*(other.root));
numItems = other.numItems;
return *this;
print function for assignment.
assumes dataType has toString() function
void print() const {
if (root != NULL) root->print();