Sensor values reading worng

I am only receiving the correct temperature value. The other 3 values are reading wrong. My format string isent matching the variable list. Can anyone tell me what I need to do.

float data_bar = 0.0;
float data = 0.0;
float anVal = 0.0;
float moistureVal = 0.0;

// Get the new value using the get() function

data_bar = get(baro,BMP085_TEMP);
data = get(baro,BMP085_PRES);
anVal = get(light_sensor);
moistureVal = get(moisture_sensor);

// Preparing the messages to text

//define buffer for error messages
char tempError[20] = "";
char lightError[20] = "";

if(data_bar < 20)
//tempError = "turn up heat";
strcpy(tempError,"TURN ON HEAT!");

if(data_bar > 30 )
//lightError = "turn up heat";
strcpy(tempError,"TURN ON COOLER!");
if(anVal < 100)
//tempError = "turn up heat";
strcpy(lightError,"TURN ON LIGHTS!");

sprintf(smsTextBuff,"Temperature: %f\r\nPressure: %f\r\nLight Value: %3.2f %s\r\nMoisture Value: %f %d\r\n",

UARTWrite(1, "Sending SMS...");

There are no format specifiers for the error strings. What's the last %d good for?
That is a mistake should be %f I think. So should I have %s after the temp and light values
Well, the number and type of format specifiers need to match exactly the provided parameter (like data_bar,tempError, etc) otherwise you'll risk a crash because sprintf cannot tell what and how many parameter it gets
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