Suggestions for Class Implementation Project

Aug 8, 2009 at 2:58am

I need to suggest an idea for a class implementation project in C++. The program needs to include multiple classes and incorporate C++ concepts such as inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism etc. This suggestion can be from any domain including science, finance, etc.

ANY SUGGESTIONS? I don't even know where to start thinking. Thanks :)
Aug 8, 2009 at 5:14am
A few days ago I gave an exercise to someone. Check it out:

Also, one thing I recently did in C#, but can 100% be done in C++ (actually, what in the world can't be done in C++?? :-) ) is an INI parser. INI files are rather simple text files, but I have never liked the simplistic approach you find out there. So I created a class library that can represent a INI file as a hierarchy of objects. You have the INIFile object, that contains a collection of INIEntry objects. INIEntry is a base class. The collection actually contains objects derived from INIEntry, such as INISection objects, INIValuePair objects, and INIComment objects. True that only sections can contain other objects like pairs, but I also had another base class: The INIContainer. Any INIEntry that would like to be a container had to be of type INIContainer as well. This would be an excellent exercise for people learning OOP.

Another one: A library of objects that represent quantities with units, like "2 meters", "5 feet", "120 pounds", etc. Overload as many operators as you can to allow math with them easily, like "2 feet + 1 meter = 5 feet".
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