C++ Useful Modules Tutorial

Hey guys,
I will be creating a tutorial series for creating useful, reusable cross-platform modules. This is especially useful for students currently on a programming course for C/C++.

Being a recent graduate and an Indie-Game Developer start up, the tutorials will be made with game development in mind.

Read more about it here: http://unresponsivescript.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/coding-cross-platform-modules-beginning.html

Unresponsive Script.
closed account (j3Rz8vqX)
This should be posted in the lounge, rather than here.
Okay sorry I didn't really know where to post it - I saw general C++ and thought it would fall under here. My bad! Ill change it now :)

In the mean-time I uploaded an introduction video to the tutorial series:

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