Some help

Hellolo! I need help with some stuff in C++, wich I do not understand OR don't know how to make.
So, I'm very new to C++ and I know the basics of python, not very much tho.
So the problem I got right now is that I need data types explained. I'm watching tutorials right now by Coding Newbie and I do not quite understand about the short, int and so on. And I don't seem to figure out how to call specific funtions like in python, lets say that I create a menu and depending on wich option i pick. The IDE I use is Visual Stuido, and in there I can't seem to understand how to make a GUI. In python I only made console apps, such as controlling my Raspberry Pi based robot. That's about it, basically.

Thanks in advance!

-Motherflufferr, A.K.A Kev.
Data Types:

Integers (int) are data types that have a size of 32bits, meaning you can store a number that is just around as large as 4 billion negative or positive.

A short int is usually around 16bits in size and can store a number that is just around as large as 60 000 negative or positive. short ints can also be written as short;

Data types like short int and int are usually "signed" meaning that they support negative and positive numbers. If you want them to be "unsigned" (meaning that they don't support negative numbers, but therefore have a larger positive capacity) you have to specify it before your int/short declaration like so:

unsigned int my_int = 12345;
unsigned short my_short = 12345;

I don't know about python. You should probably ask about that in a python forum.
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Slight mistake:
Integers (int) are data types that have a size of 32bits
Ranges from 16 to 64 bits in reality.
Only constraint on integral types:
charshortintlonglong long
additionally char is at least 8 bit and long long is at least 64 bit.
Thanks for the answers!
What about calling functions, like running different parts of a program?
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