Connection handover


I am trying to achieve the following, but have no clue as to how. Please help.

The compiler is mingw32, OS is Win 8.1.

Fig 1 - Internet -> ISP -> Switch -> Load Balancer -> Server 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 etc

Fig 2 - Internet <-> ISP <-> Switch <-> Server 2

The above shows what I am trying to achieve. As clients connect and expect a service, I want to have a Load Balancer that chooses a Server and then redirects the request to it.

In this example, the Load Balancer chooses Server 2.

The chosen Server then uses the active connection to respond to the client and continue the rest of the Session without using the Load Balancer as a proxy to prevent bottlenecks.

Is there a way in C++ to hand over the active connection without the need for reconnecting?

Thank you.
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