Please Help?

So I am trying get some website names and putting them into a queue. So I got this far..I am trying to input these names and then check if they are valid website names and then display the valid ones only and delete the non-valid ones and then I need put them in a queue and if new names come in delete the 1st one and still keep it 10.

I cant figure this out..
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

bool IsValidURL(string urlString)
regex url(".*\\..*");
if (std::regex_match(urlString, url))
return true;
cout <<" wrong URL"<< urlString<< endl;
return false;
bool getURL ( string url[], int & position, bool IsValidURL() )
cout << "URL: ";

cin >> url[position];
if ( std::cin ) return true;
return false;
void displayURL ( string url[], int position )
int i = position;
cout << url[i--] << ' ';
while ( i != position )
cout << url[i] << ' ';
if ( i == 0 ) i = 9;
else --i;

cout << '\n';

int main()
string lastTenURL[10];
int position = 0;
do {
getURL ( lastTenURL, position );
while ( position < 10 );
displayURL ( lastTenURL, position );

string url = "Hello World";
bool result=IsValidURL(url);
cout <<url<<": "<<result << endl;

url = "";
result = IsValidURL(url);
cout << url << ": " << result << endl;

string temp;
cin >> temp;

return 0;

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