how to code simply GUI in c++

Hey I want to code gui in c++ but I can't find any ways to do it. I have tried GLUT but that didn't work so could anyone help me or tell me how to work with glut.
Take a look at Qt.
Im not sure if I'd really like QT don't you place this down and then program them similar to xojo?
What do you mean? Qt has a few ways of doing GUI - it just so happens that the IDE that it comes with (Qt Creator) has a form editor for creating GUI's in a WYSIWYG style. However, you can also do it entirely in code, just creating widgets from scratch and adding them into your layouts.

If you don't like Qt, wxWidgets is another good option. If you still want to do it with GLUT, you'll need to draw your own widgets, and then process mouse clicks and send notifications to the appropriate widgets yourself - same for keyboard and focused controls. I don't know of any programs that do it in GLUT, but Blender does all of its UI in OpenGL.
@NT3 Hell no! Me, having programmed for many years, found it a living hell to install wxWdigets,just to start actually coding, and it looks he isn't a guru. huh? I just gave up on it and took a look at Qt: I had a professional application up and running in a few days, just by following online tutorials. Also note that Qt's communtiy is bigger, he'll easily find help.
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I am not looking to program a whole lot and I'm still doing the fundamentals of c++ but I have come up with a lot of good console apps and I wanted to chuck some GUI in there. The thing I was most worried about with QT is that I think you have to buy a license to like build your app. Not sure if it is true but yeah down the track I will definetly learn how to code widgets and stuff I'm just looking for a short term easy way to get GUI running with some of my c++ apps.
@nicodasiko Well, if you're on Windows, then just use Visual C++. Mind you, I'm a Linux guy!
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